c 9th DIMACS Implementation Challenge: Shortest Paths c http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~challenge9 c Sample all-pairs problem performance report file c c problem and solver name line (first non-comment line): p res sp ap mysolver c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c c performance figures below refer to graph sample.0.gr: f sample.0.gr c c the graph has 1024 nodes, 4096 arcs, and arc weights in [0,1024]: g 1024 4094 0 1024 c c the time for computing all-pairs shortest paths on sample.0.gr is 2101.93 msec: t 2101.93 c c the solver uses 11234 KB on this instance: s 11234 c c the solver performed 133012 node scans on this instance: v 133012 c c the solver performed 215223 arc scans on this instance: e 215223 c c the solver performed 171542 distance improvements on this instance: i 171542 c additional user-defined lines: number of "blue" and "red" paths scanned u myaddress@mydomain.org blue-paths 22714 u myaddress@mydomain.org red-paths 2714 c c ---------------------------------------------------------------- c c performance figures below refer to graph sample.1.gr: f sample.1.gr c c the graph has 2048 nodes, 8192 arcs, and arc weights in [0,1024]: g 2048 8192 0 1024 c c the time for computing all-pairs shortest paths on sample.1.gr is 4534.12 msec: t 4534.12 c c the solver uses 21465 KB on this instance: s 21465 c c the solver performed 213775 node scans on this instance: v 213775 c c the solver performed 332763 arc scans on this instance: e 332763 c c the solver performed 276614 distance improvements on this instance: i 276614 c additional user-defined lines: number of "blue" and "red" paths scanned u myaddress@mydomain.org blue-paths 44714 u myaddress@mydomain.org red-paths 3714