
Postgraduate Research degrees (Ph.D.) are the highest level of university education. The Ph.D. program in Engineering in Computer Science (Dottorato di Ingegneria Informatica) offered by the Sapienza University of Rome is aimed at the acquisition of the necessary competence to pursue highly-specialised research activities in many fields of Computer Science and concludes with the preparation of a final thesis.

Areas of interest of the Ph.D. in Computing Science and Engineering include:
- Computer architectures and networks
- Algorithm engineering and complexity analysis
- Software engineering
- Artificial intelligence and Knowledge representation
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Information systems
- Databases
- Distributed Systems
- Web and social networks
- Software oriented computing
- Cyber security and intelligence
- Computer vision and computer graphics
- Human-computer interaction
- Multi-agent and Multi-robot systems
- Natural Language Processing

The Ph.D. Program, which may include a period of study abroad, lasts three academic years. Each academic year begins on November 1 and ends on October 31. In exceptional cases, the course may be extended by a further academic year at the discretion of the Academic Board.

The Doctorate course envisions:
- Participation in Ph.D. schools and courses of the M.Sc. in Engineering in Computer Science, and the passing of the corresponding exams.
- A research project under the supervision of a Tutor designated by the Board of Lecturers.
- The preparation of a Ph.D. Thesis covering the original scientific results attained by the student during the Ph.D. course.
- A final discussion of the Ph.D. Thesis in order to achieve the title of Doctor of Research (Ph.D.) in Engineering in Computer Science (Dottorato in Ingegneria Informatica).

To enroll in the Ph.D. program, students must possess a Master's degree in a related field or a suitable certificate for studies carried out abroad. The selection of candidates for the Ph.D. program is done by public competition, as described in the relevant announcement published once a year in the Gazzetta Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana.


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