Multi-robot-Integration Platform


by Antonio Franchi and Paolo Stegagno

Web site (UTF-8 encoding).



MIP is a C++ software aimed to develop control and estimation robotics algorithms. A good level of modularity, the use of abstracted low-level robot interfaces and the fact that a different instance of the same MIP executable controls each robot guaranties software reusability and easiness of embedding .

MIP provides both an inter-robot and an intra-robot IP-based communication module. They are first mandatory for multi-robot applications and for splitted istantiations of the robot control process.

MIP has the following Components :

A MIP program acts, in general, in the following way:

Here is block scheme of MIP:


block scheme of MIP


MIP has been used for the following works:


Let MIP_HOME be the absolute path of the directory in wich you want to download MIP.

Checkout the MIP project from the labrob repository:

$ svn co svn://labrob.diag.uniroma1.it/software/MIP/trunk MIP_HOME 

Note: You must be an authorized user, ask to the project owners to obtain a user.


Build MIP
Follow this tutorial to build MIP.

Follow this tutorial to run MIP.

MIP Examples
Follow this tutorial to run MIP Examples.

MIP Tests
Follow this tutorial to create and run a MIP custom test.

MIP Plugins:
Follow this tutorial to create a plugin for MIP. In a plugin you can:


MIP on ARM (KheperaIII)

Follow these istructions to handle the KheperaIII robot in a skillful manner:

Follow these istructions to build MIP for ARM architecture:

These additional istructions explans how to build csm (The Canonical Scan Matcher, http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~andrea/research/sw/csm.html) for ARM architecture and how use it with KheperaIII robot:

Generated on Mon Feb 20 07:01:06 2017 for MIP by  doxygen 1.5.6