Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
MipBaselib::Acceleration2DArmaRepresents acceleration vector in R^3 using armadillo libraries
Acceleration3DRepresents acceleration vector in R^3
MipBaselib::Acceleration3DArmaRepresents acceleration vector in R^3 using armadillo libraries
MipBaselib::AnalyticalTrajParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a trajectory
AngleRepresents angles
AnglemRepresents angles in [0,2*MPIm)
MipAlgorithms::AntiSimmetryProvides an implementation of the anti-simmetry control law
MipAlgorithms::AntiSimmetryInInput class for a step of the anti-simmetry control law
MipAlgorithms::AntiSimmetryParamsParameters class for the anti-simmetry control algorithm
MipTasks::AntiSimmetryTaskTask for the execution of an anti simmetry control law for a MultiRobot system
MipTasks::AntiSimmetryTaskOptionsOptions for the AntiSimmetryTask
MipTasks::AntiSimmetryTaskSharedMemShared memory for the AntiSimmetryTask
MipAlgorithms::AntiSimmetryVarsVariables class for the anti-simmetry control algorithm
ArtPotentialFormCtrlParParameters for the artificial potential formation control algorithms
MipResources::asctecUavImplementation of an AscTec asctec flying robot
MipResources::asctecUavParRepresent parameters of AscTec asctec flying robots
MipResources::asctecUavVarRepresent variables of AscTec asctec flying robots
Association< T, assocType >Associate two object together, the second could be not defined in principle
AsteroidImplements an asteroide path
AsteroidParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe an asteroide path
MipResources::attitudeUavClass to represent attitude of an UAV (roll and pitch are mandatory, yaw is optional), associated with time
MipAlgorithms::basicOpticalFlowParProvides a parameters class for optical flow Lucas-Kanade
kybalg::bearDistIdTimeBearing feature set (a vector of bearing-only measurements) with associated time (in sec and usec)
kybalg::bearDistStrCouple of angle representing the scalar component of 3D bearing angle and a distance: azimuth and zenith-distance
MipAlgorithms::BearExtrCamAlgorithm to extract a given feature from a camera view
MipAlgorithms::BearExtrCamParParameters of the BearExtrCam algorithm. It contains every static parameter computed at a certain height specified by _sonarStaticHeight field
MipAlgorithms::BearExtrCamUtilsClass of static functions used as utils
MipAlgorithms::BearExtrCamVarClass of variables representing the parameters that change for the changing of height and attitude of the object
BearExtrInputInput function for BearExtrCam
BearExtrOutputOutput function for BearExtrCam
kybalg::BearIdTimeBearing feature set (a vector of bearing-only measurements) with associated time (in sec and usec)
kybalg::bearStrCouple of angle representing the scalar component of 3D bearing angle: azimuth and zenith-distance
BezierImplements a clotoide path
MipAlgorithms::BiRegGeneric class for binary registration between two Observations
MipAlgorithms::BiRegInInput class of BiReg::registration() method between Observations
MipAlgorithms::BiRegOutOutput class of BiReg::registration() method between Observations
MipAlgorithms::BiRegParParameters of BiReg class
MipAlgorithms::BiRegRANSACRANSAC implementation of binary registration (class BiReg) between Observations
MipAlgorithms::BiRegSolVector of BiRegOut, output class of BiReg::registration() method between Observations
BoolOptionInteger option
BoolWidgetString widget
BoundBoxBounding box, represents 2D margins
BroadcasterUDPClient UDP that sends packets to a subnetwork (address x.y.z.255) and on a specific port
MipResources::CameraAbstract Camera class
CameraCCDPar3DProvides a standard class for the parameters of a CCD camera using armadillo libraries
MipResources::CameraCVDClass for video cameras that need libCVD
MipResources::CameraCVDOptionsOptions for for the camera CVD
MipResources::CameraCVDVarVariable class for libCVD based cameras
MipResources::CameraOptionsOptions for for the camera
MipResources::CameraParMandatory parameters of all cameras
CameraPar3DProvides a standard class for the parameters of a pinhole camera using armadillo libraries
MipResources::CameraROSVideo Camera for ROS camera nodes
MipResources::CameraRosOptionsOptions for for the cameraPlayer
MipResources::CameraVarMandatory variables of all cameras
CardioidImplements a cardioide path
CardioidParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a cardioide path
MipBaselib::CellCell of a grid
CellCell of a grid
MipTasks::CentralizedPHDFilterTaskTask that uses the phdFilter algorithm
MipTasks::CentralizedPHDFilterTaskOptionsPHDFilters of the use of the Options calss for a task
ClearingAgentThis class implements a mobile robots that performs clearing and navigates using the SND algorithm
ClearingMobileRobotThis class implements a mobile robots that performs clearing and navigates using the SND algorithm
MipTasks::ClearingOptionsOptions for for the clearing task
MipTasks::ClearingSharedMemShared memory for the clearing
MipTasks::ClearingTaskTask for the clearing
ClientTCPTCP-IP client
MipTasks::ClocheCloche task provides a simple way to command a uav using a keyboard
ClothoidImplements a clotoide path
Clothoid2Implements a clotoide path
Clothoid2ParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a clotoide path
ClothoidParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a clotoide path
CLPaFilParamsRepresents the Particle Filter parameters
CLPaFilVariablesRepresents Particle Filter internal variables
MipAlgorithms::ClusterClass represents a MutLocFilter cluster
MipResources::CmdBB2DBounding box command, set the bounding box of a draw scene
MipResources::ColorA color in rgb
MipResources::ColorComponentA color component
MipResources::ColorsSome predefined colors
MipResources::CommModuleAbstract communication module
MipResources::CommModuleParRepresents the fundamental parameters of an abstract communication module
MipResources::CommModuleVarRepresents the fundamental variables an abstract communication module
MipResources::CommNodeRepresents the sender or the recipient of a packet
MipResources::CommPacketCommunication packet
ConnectivityManage 2D R-disk connectivity
MipBaselib::ConstSpeedImplements a constant speed profile
MipBaselib::ConstSpeedParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a constant speed profile
MipResources::CovEllipse2D2D Cavariance ellipse defined by a 2x2 covariance matrix
MipBaselib::CsmInterfaceInterface to the canonical scan matcher
MipBaselib::CsmInterfaceErrErr of the scan matcher
MipBaselib::CsmInterfaceInClasse per la memorizzazione dell input dello scan-matcher
MipBaselib::CsmInterfaceOutOutput of the scan matcher
MipBaselib::CubicSpeedImplements a cubic speed profile
MipBaselib::CubicSpeedParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a cubic speed profile
MipAlgorithms::DAEKFilParamsClass represents DAEKFilter parameters
MipAlgorithms::DAEKFilterData Association Extended Kalman implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::DAEKFilVariablesClass represents DAEKFilter internal variables
MipAlgorithms::DDubIntClass representing a couple of int and a Decimal
MipAlgorithms::DDubIntListVector of vector of pairs of indexes of PosiFeatures of an Observation with their distances
MipAlgorithms::DDubIntListParParameters of a DDubIntList
DecimalArrayOptionA vector of Decimal option
DecimalOptionDecimal option
DecimalSpinBoxDecimal spin Box
DecimalWidgetDecimal widget
MipTasks::DeployTaskMotion coordination task: deployment of a team of robots
DFLInInput for a DFL controller
MipResources::DiffDriveDifferential drive Motion Module (Pure virtual)
DiffDriveLibContains the readings of the encoders of a differential drive
MipAlgorithms::DiffDriveOdometerAlgorithm which may be used to update the state of a differential drive. It makes use of the odometric equations
MipAlgorithms::DiffDriveOdometerParContains the parameters needed to compute the odometric update equations of a differential drive
MipAlgorithms::DiffDriveOdometerVarContains the variables needed to compute the odometric update equations of a differential drive
MipResources::DiffDriveParGeneral parametes of a differential drive
MipResources::DiffDriveVarGeneral variables of an DiffDrive
MipResources::DirectStreamCommModuleDirect stream specification of CommModule
MipResources::DirectStreamCommModuleOptionsOptions class for DirectStreamCommModule
MipBaselib::DiscreteProvides a class to represent the generic Discrete pdf
MipResources::Disk2D2D anulus
MipResources::DraWin"Abstract" resource DraWin
MipResources::DraWinBoundBoxDraWin bounding box, represents 2D margins of the drawing scene
MipResources::DraWinGLWindowDraWinGL widget
MipResources::DraWinVarDraWin variables
MipTasks::DriverOptionsOptions for the Driver task
MipTasks::DriverSharedMemShared memory for the driver
MipTasks::DriverTaskDriverTask class
MipTasks::DriverTaskParParameters of DriverTask class
DsMainWinMain Qt window
DubIntClass representing a couple of int
DubleSequenceTake a sequence of Decimal computing online some statistics
EightImplements an otto path
EightParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe an otto path
MipAlgorithms::EKFilterUnicycle2DProvides an abstract standard class for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::EKFilterUnicycle2DInProvides a standard class for the input of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::EKFilterUnicycle2DParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::EKFilterUnicycle2DVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
EllipseImplements an ellisse path
EllipseParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe an ellisse path
MipTasks::EmergencyLockEmergency lock
MipTasks::EmergencyLockSharedMemShared memory for the emergency lock
MipBaselib::EnhancedMutExProvides to another resource class, enanched MutEx capability
MipTasks::ExampleTaskGeneric example of a task
MipTasks::ExampleTaskOptionsExamples of the use of the Options class for a task
MipTasks::ExampleTaskSharedMemExample of the use of the shared memory for a task
MipBaselib::ExplorationGraphNode of a graph
ExplorationGraphNode of a graph
MipBaselib::ExplorationNodeNode of a graph
ExplorationNodeNode of a graph
MipBaselib::ExplorationParamsClass containing various settings of Exploration
MipResources::ExternScanMatchMakes available the use of scan mathching algorithm which runs on external executables (like csm)
MipResources::ExternScanMatchOptionsOptions for for the external scan matching resource
ExtStringExtended String, inherate from string and contains some useful additional functions
MipTasks::FeatExtrCamVisual hovering task for Uavs
MipTasks::FeatExtrCamSharedMemShared memory for the feature extraction
MipTasks::FeatExtrOptionsOptions for the feature extraction
MipTasks::FeatExtrSharedMemShared memory for the feature extraction
MipTasks::FeatExtrTaskFeature Extraction Task
FifoListenFornisce una semplice classe per la ricezione di caratteri da un FifoSend
FileSimple class to manage files
MipResources::FlightModuleAbstract Motion Module for flying robots
MipResources::FlightModuleParFundamental parameters of an abstract flight model/module
MipResources::FlightModuleVarFundamental variables of an abstract flight model/module
MipTasks::FormControlTaskFormation Control Task
MipTasks::FormControlTaskOptionsOptions class for FormControlTask
MipTasks::FormControlTaskSharedMemShared memory class for FormControlTask
FormCtrlOptionsOptions of FormCtrlOptions
MipTasks::FormUpdateTask for the formation update
MipTasks::FormUpdateSharedMemShared memory for the formation update
MipBaselib::FrontierA vector of frontier FrontierArc
FrontierGrid reapresentation for the frontier of robot's Local Safe Region
MipBaselib::FrontierArcGrid reapresentation for a frontier arc of robot's Local Safe Region
FrontierArcGrid reapresentation for a frontier arc of robot's Local Safe Region
FrontierBasedVPPAlgorithm finding next View Point (VP) in frontier based way
MipBaselib::GaussianProvides a class to represent the generic 2D Gaussian pdf
MipBaselib::GaussianComponentProvides a class to represent a component of a Gaussian Mixture pdf
MipBaselib::GaussianComponentIDProvides a class to represent a component of a Gaussian Mixture pdf with an associated integer Identity
MipBaselib::GaussianMixtureProvides a class to represent the generic 2D GaussianMixture pdf
MipBaselib::GaussianMixtureIDProvides a class to represent the generic 2D GaussianMixture pdf, with each compnent associated to an integer identity
MipBaselib::GaussianMixtureJointIdProvides a class to represent the generic 2D GaussianMixture pdf
GenericOptionGeneric option
MipAlgorithms::GMIDPHDUnicycle2DRCFilterProvides an implementation for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple unicycles in a 2D world with multiple sensors
MipAlgorithms::GMIDPHDUnicycle2DRCFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMIDPHDUnicycle2DRCFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDLinear2DTargetNoIdFilterProvides an abstract standard class for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDLinear2DTargetNoIdFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDLinear2DTargetNoIdFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
GMPHDUnicycle2DCamIdFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
GMPHDUnicycle2DCamIdFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DCamIdRCFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCentrFilterProvides an abstract standard class for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCentrFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCentrFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCoop3FilterProvides an implementation for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple unicycles in a 2D world with multiple sensors
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCoop4FilterProvides an implementation for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple unicycles in a 2D world with multiple sensors
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCoopFilterProvides an abstract standard class for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCoopFilter2Provides an implementation for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple unicycles in a 2D world with multiple sensors
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCoopFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCoopFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdCoopRCFilterProvides an implementation for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple unicycles in a 2D world with multiple sensors
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdFilterProvides an abstract standard class for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DIdRCFilterProvides an implementation for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple unicycles in a 2D world with multiple sensors
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DNoIdFilterProvides an abstract standard class for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DNoIdFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::GMPHDUnicycle2DNoIdFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
GoalBasedVPPAlgorithm finding next View Point (VP) using eucledia distance to goal
GPS_DATAFrom gpsmath.h
MipBaselib::GridGrid reapresentation for robot's sorrounding
MipResources::GroundSensAbstract Ground-sensor
MipResources::GroundSensParParameters of an Abstract Range-sensor
MipResources::HLine2D2D Half line
MipResources::HummingBirdUavImplementation of an AscTec HummingBird flying robot
MipResources::HummingBirdUavCommImplements methods for communication with AscTec HummingBird
MipResources::HummingBirdUavParRepresent parameters of AscTec HummingBird flying robots
MipResources::HummingBirdUavVarRepresent variables of AscTec HummingBird flying robots
IIRFilterImplements a discrete filter
MipAlgorithms::ImageFeatureRepresent Image Features
MipResources::ImuAbstract IMU sensor
MipResources::Imu_sensorClasses which represent an Imu_sensor (inertial - measurement - unit)
MipResources::Imu_sensorOptionsOptions for for the Imu_sensor
MipResources::Imu_sensorParMandatory parameters of all Imu_sensors
kybalg::IMUDataTimeStructure that stores the output of IMU plus the roll and pitch from complementary filter
MipResources::ImuParParameters of an Abstract IMU
MipResources::ImuVarVariables of a IMU 3D
kybalg::InterPointsPoints of intersection of a triangle. Represented as a vector of Position3D
IntOptionInteger option
IntSpinBoxInt spin Box
IntWidgetInt widget
MipResources::IPCommModuleIP specification of CommModule
MipResources::IPCommModuleOptionsOptions class for IPCommModuleOptions
MipTasks::JoystickJoystick task provides a simple way to command a mobile robot using a keyboard
MipTasks::JoystickOptionsOptions for the mutual localization
MipTasks::JoystickSharedMemShared memory for the mutual localization
KalmanFilterRepresents a Kalman Filter
KalmanFilterImuRepresents a Kalman Filter
MipResources::KeyboardProvides a simple interface for the keyboard
MipResources::Khepera2D2D MobileRob
KheperaServerKhepera Interface
KheperaServerOptionsOptions for the khepera server program
MipResources::KheperaServerROSKhepera Interface using ROS libraries
MipResources::KheperaServerROSOptionsOptions for the khepera server program
MipResources::KheperaServerROSParsParameters for khepera software
MipResources::KorebotRepresents an Koremotor differential drive
MipResources::KorebotParRepresents the parameters of a Korebot Unicycle
MipResources::KorebotROSRepresents an Koremotor differential drive
MipResources::KorebotROSParRepresents the parameters of a KorebotROS Unicycle
MipResources::KorebotROSVarRepresents the variables of a KorebotROS Unicycle
MipResources::KorebotVarRepresents the variables of a Korebot Unicycle
LandscapingIGVPPAlgorithm finding next View Point (VP) using information gain
LaserNavigationSimple laser navigation algorithm for pseudo random autonomous navigation
LaserNavigationInSimple laser navigation algorithm for pseudo random autonomous navigation
LaserNavigationParamsSimple laser navigation algorithm for pseudo random autonomous navigation
MipTasks::LaserNavigationSharedMemShared memory for the Entrapment
MipTasks::LaserNavigationTaskLaser Navigation Task
LaserNavigationVarsSimple laser navigation algorithm for pseudo random autonomous navigation
MipTasks::LFDistanceEstimatorEstimates the distance from the center of the line from the reading of two ground sensors
MipTasks::LineFollowingLineFollowing task
MipTasks::LineFollowingSharedMemShared memory for the mutual localization
ListenerUDPServer UDP that listens on a port waiting for messages
LocalGridGrid reapresentation for robot's sorrounding
MipTasks::Localization3DOptions for for the self localization task
MipTasks::Localization3DSharedMemShared memory for the self localization
LRRGrid reapresentation for robot's Local reachable Region
LucasKanadeClass implementing Lucas-Kanade algorithm for optical flow
MainWindowMain Qt window
MinMaxerCompute online the minimum and the maximum of the passed sequence
MIPObjectA base MIP object
MipResources::MobileRobAbstract mobile robot
MipResources::MobileRob2D2D MobileRob
MipResources::MobileRob3DAbstract mobile robot in 3D
MipResources::MobileRob3DOptionsOptions for the mobile robot
MipResources::MobileRob3DParFundamental params an abstract mobile robot
MipResources::MobileRob3DVarFundamental vars of an abstract mobile robot
MipResources::MobileRobOptionsOptions for the mobile robot
MipResources::MobileRobParMandatory parameters of all mobile robots
MipResources::MobileRobVarMandatory variables of all mobile robots
MipResources::MotionModuleUnycicle Motion Module (Pure virtual)
MipResources::MotionModule3DAbstract 3D Motion Module
MipResources::MotionModule3DParFundamental par an abstract unycicle3D motion model/module
MipResources::MotionModule3DVarFoundamental var of an abstract unycicle motion model/module
MipResources::MotionModuleOptionsOptions of the MotionModule
MipResources::MotionModuleParGeneral parametes of an unycicle
MipBaselib::MotionModuleStateState of an unycicle
MipBaselib::MotionModuleTStateState of an unycicle with timestamp
MipBaselib::MotionModuleTStateLogA list of states of an unycicle with timestamps
MipResources::MRControlInputThis class represents the control input of a mobile unycycle robot
MipResources::MRControlInputsThis class represents a vector of control inputs of a mobile unycycle robot
MipAlgorithms::MultiRegGeneric class for multiple registration algorithm between Observations
MipAlgorithms::MultiRegOutOutput class of ProbMultiReg class registration() between Observations
MipAlgorithms::MultiRegParParameters of MultiReg class
MipAlgorithms::MultiRegSolVector of MultiRegOut
MipAlgorithms::MultiRegStepInputInput class for step method (private method) of MultiReg class
MipAlgorithms::MutLocFASTSlamRepresents a FASTslam derived filter for the mutual localization
MipAlgorithms::MutLocFASTSlamInputClass represents MutLocFASTSlam new inputs that must be passed to filter at each iteration
MipAlgorithms::MutLocFASTSlamParticleClass represents one particle of a MutLocFASTSlam derivation for mutual localization
MipAlgorithms::MutLocFilInputClass represents MutLocFilter inputs new inputs that must be passed to filter at each iteration
MipAlgorithms::MutLocFilInput3DClass represents MutLocFilter3D inputs new inputs that must be passed to filter at each iteration
MipAlgorithms::MutLocFilterRepresents a generic filter for the mutual localization
MipAlgorithms::MutLocFilter3DRepresents a generic filter for the mutual localization in 3D
MipTasks::MutLocOptionsOptions for for the mutual localization task
kybalg::MutLocQuadMutual localization class
kybalg::MutLocQuadParParameters of the mutual localization algorithm
kybalg::mutLocQuadStereoCamMutual localization class
kybalg::mutLocQuadStereoCamParMutual localization parameter class
MipTasks::MutLocSharedMemShared memory for the mutual localization
kybalg::mutLocStateState of the mutual localization process
MipTasks::MutLocTaskTask for the mutual localization
NameWidgetName widget
NewSchedulerNewScheduler Typical use: load a set of resources, load a set of task passing them the resources, schedule the task, unload all
NonlinearInInput for a nonlinear controller
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementAbsRelPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementRelRel3DPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementRelRelBearOnly3DPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementRelRelBearOnly3DPdfvelUpdateNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementRelRelBearOnly3DvelPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementRelRelBearOnlyPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementRelRelNoMRPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMeasurementRelRelPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobAbsRelPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobRelRel3DPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobRelRelBearOnly3DPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobRelRelBearOnly3DPdfvelUpdateNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobRelRelBearOnly3DvelPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobRelRelBearOnlyPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobRelRelNoMRPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::NonlinearMobileRobRelRelPdfNon Linear Conditional Gaussian
MipAlgorithms::ObjId< T >
kybalg::ObjId< T >Template class that associate an integer to a vector of class
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoGeneric class for obstacle avoidance algorithms
ObsAvoiAlgoBangBangParProvides a obstacle avoidance for second order point-mass using bang bang control
ObsAvoiAlgoDynObstacle avoidance for second order point-mass
ObsAvoiAlgoDynBoxParProvides a obstacle avoidance for second order point-mass
ObsAvoiAlgoDynInInput class for the dynamic obstacle avoidance
ObsAvoiAlgoDynOptionsOptions for for the ObsAvoiAlgoDyn
ObsAvoiAlgoDynOutOutput class for a obstacle avoidance for second order point-mass
ObsAvoiAlgoDynVarsObstacle avoidance for second order point-mass
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoInInput class of ObsAvoiAlgo class
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoLIPGoal-based navigation with obstacle avoidance on laser scan
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoLIPOptionsOptions for for the ObsAvoiAlgoLIP
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoLIPParamsGoal-based navigation with obstacle avoidance on laser scan
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoLIPVarsGoal-based navigation with obstacle avoidance on laser scan
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoOutOutput class of ObsAvoiAlgo class
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoParParameters of ObsAvoiAlgo class
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoParPFMParameters of ObsAvoiAlgoPFM class
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoParPFMKinectParameters of ObsAvoiAlgoPFMKinect class
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoParVFHParameters of ObsAvoiAlgoVFH class
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoPFMClass for PFM obstacle avoidance algorithm
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoPFMKinectClass for PFM Kinect obstacle avoidance algorithm
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoSNDGoal-based navigation with obstacle avoidance on laser scan
ObsAvoiAlgoSNDInInput class for a goal-based navigation with obstacle avoidance on laser scan
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoSNDOptionsOptions for for the ObsAvoiAlgoSND
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoSNDParamsGoal-based navigation with obstacle avoidance on laser scan
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoSNDVarsGoal-based navigation with obstacle avoidance on laser scan
MipAlgorithms::ObsAvoiAlgoVFHClass for VFH obstacle avoidance algorithm
ObservationPosition features, a vector of PosiFeature (position feature) sorted by x and with null PosiFeature
MipTasks::ObstacleAvoidanceObstacleAvoidance class
MipTasks::ObstacleAvoidanceOptionsOptions for the ObstacleAvoidance task class
MipTasks::ObstacleAvoidanceParParameters of ObstacleAvoidance task class
MipTasks::ObstacleAvoidanceSharedMemShared memory for the ObstacleAvoidance task class
OdometryDovrebbe essere un algoritmo dei MobileRob perché:
Odometry2DVelocity in 2D, linear velocity along x, y and angular velocity along z
MipBaselib::Odometry2DArmaOdometry in 2D, linear velocity along x, y and angular velocity along z
Odometry3DDovrebbe essere un algoritmo dei MobileRob perché:
MipTasks::OfflinerTaskTask for the offline execution of other tasks
MipTasks::OfflinerTaskOptionsExamples of the use of the Options class for a task
MipTasks::OfflinerTaskSharedMemExample of the use of the shared memory for a task
MipResources::OfflineUavClass to get all data from an offline UAV quadrotor
OpenLoopInInput for a OpenLoopIn controller
OptionWidgetOption widget
Orientation3DRepresents the triple roll, pitch, yaw
OrthogonalIGVPPAlgorithm finding next View Point (VP) using fixed orientation and information gain
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLGeneric orocos-bfl based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFL3DGeneric orocos-bfl based Particle Filter in 3D implementation of the MutLocFilter3D class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLAbsRelOrocos-bfl based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLParParameters for the generic orocos-bfl based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLRelRelOrocos-bfl based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLRelRel3DOrocos-BFL based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLRelRelBearOnlyOrocos-bfl based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLRelRelBearOnly3DOrocos-BFL based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLRelRelBearOnly3DvelOrocos-BFL based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLRelRelBearOnly3DvelUpdateOrocos-BFL based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::PaFilBFLRelRelNoMROrocos-bfl based Particle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::ParFilParamsRepresents the Particle Filter parameters
MipAlgorithms::ParFilVariablesRepresents Particle Filter internal variables
MipAlgorithms::ParticleClass represents a filter particle
ParticleClass represents a filter particle
ParticleFilterParticle Filter implementation of the LocFilter class
MipAlgorithms::ParticleFilterParticle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocCamOffOptionsOptions for for the mutual localization task
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocCamOffSharedMemShared memory for the mutual localization
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocCamOffTaskTask for the mutual localization
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocCamOptionsOptions for for the mutual localization task
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocCamSharedMemShared memory for the mutual localization
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocCamTaskTask for the mutual localization
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocNoMROptionsOptions for for the mutual localization task
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocNoMRSharedMemShared memory for the mutual localization
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocOptionsOptions for for the mutual localization task
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocSharedMemShared memory for the mutual localization
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocTaskTask for the mutual localization
MipTasks::ParticleMutLocTaskNoMRTask for the mutual localization
PathVirtual class for paths implementation
MipBaselib::PDFProvides a class to represent the generic pdf
MipBaselib::PerceptionCellCell of a grid
MipBaselib::PerceptionCellStateA class representing the state of a cell
MipBaselib::PerceptionFrontierA vector of PerceptionFrontier PerceptionFrontierArc
MipBaselib::PerceptionFrontierArcGrid representation for a frontier arc of robot's Local Safe Region
MipBaselib::PerceptionGridGrid representation for robot's sorrounding
MipBaselib::PerceptionGridParA class to control the parameters of the Grid
MipTasks::PHDCamFilterTaskTask that uses the phdFilter algorithm
MipTasks::PHDCamFilterTaskOptionsOptions for the task using the PHDCamFilter
MipTasks::PHDCamFilterTaskSharedMemPHDCamFilter of the use of the shared memory for a task
MipAlgorithms::PHDFilterProvides an abstract standard class for a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDFilterInProvides a standard class for the input of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDFilterParsProvides a standard class for the parameters of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipTasks::PHDFilterTaskTask that uses the phdFilter algorithm
MipTasks::PHDFilterTaskOptionsOptions for the task using the PHDFilter
MipTasks::PHDFilterTaskSharedMemPHDFilter of the use of the shared memory for a task
MipAlgorithms::PHDFilterVarsProvides a standard class for the variables of a PHD filter for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDIDRansacProvides a class for a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDIDRansacParsProvides a class for the parameters of a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDIDRansacVarsProvides a class for the variables of a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDRansacProvides a class for a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDRansacInProvides a class for the input of a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDRansacOutProvides a class for the output of a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDRansacParsProvides a class for the parameters of a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipAlgorithms::PHDRansacVarsProvides a class for the variables of a Ransac algorithm executed on the output of two PHD filters for tracking of multiple objects in a 2D world
MipBaselib::PocketThis struct represents a pocket of a weighted roulette
MipResources::Point2DDrawable point
MipResources::Points2DList of drawable points
kybalg::PolFusionDeterministic polimorph
MipResources::Polygon2D2D poligon
PoseRepresents (x,y,ori) in SE(2)
Pose3DRepresents (x,y,z,roll,pitch,yaw) in SE(3)
kybalg::Pose3DIdTimePose of a robot in 3D with associated time (in sec and usec) and id
Pose3DOptionPose3D option
PoseFeaturePose feature, a pose endowed with an associated integer
PoseFeaturesPose features, a vector of PoseFeature (Pose feature)
PoseOptionPose option
PoseWidgetPose widget
MipBaselib::PosId3DPosition id, a position endowed with an associated integer
MipAlgorithms::PosiEdgeExtrAlgorithm: perform a edgeure extraction on a Scan looking for small protrusions
MipAlgorithms::PosiEdgeExtrParParameters of the PosiEdgeExtr algorithm
PosiFeaturePosition feature, a position endowed with an associated integer
PosiFeaturesPosition features, a vector of PosiFeature (position feature)
PositionRepresents (x,y) in R^2
Position3DRepresents (x,y,z) in R^3
Position3DOptionPosition3D option
Position3DWidgetPosition3D widget
MipResources::PositionDetectorAbstract GPS sensor
MipResources::PositionDetector3DAbstract GPS sensor
MipResources::PositionDetector3DParParameters of an Abstract GPS
MipResources::PositionDetector3DVarVariables of a Position Detector 3D
MipResources::PositionDetectorParParameters of an Abstract GPS
MipResources::PositionDetectorVarVariables of a Position Detector
PositionOptionPosition option
PositionWidgetPosition widget
MipBaselib::ProbabilityMassRepresents an integer value associated with its probability
MipBaselib::ProbCellA cell in an occupancy grid for probabalistic mapping of a robot's surrounding
MipBaselib::ProbGridA occupancy grid for probabalistic mapping of a robot's surrounding
MipAlgorithms::ProbMultiRegGeneric class for multiple registration algorithm between Observations
kybalg::ProbMultiRegCam3DCamMultiple registration algorithm in 3D
kybalg::ProbMultiRegCam3DQuadParParameters of ProbMultiRegCam3DQuad class
kybalg::ProbMultiRegCam3DQuadSolSolution of the multiple registration algorithm in 3D
MipAlgorithms::ProbMultiRegParParameters of ProbMultiReg class
MipAlgorithms::ProbMultiRegStepInputInput class for step method (private method) of ProbMultiReg class
kybalg::probMultiRegStereoCam3DCamMultiple registration algorithm in 3D
kybalg::probMultiRegStereoCam3DQuadSolSolution of the multiple registration algorithm in 3D
probPolFusionDistDistProbabilistic polimorph
MipAlgorithms::ProtrusionsExtrAlgorithm: performs a feature extraction on a Scan looking for small protrusions
MipAlgorithms::ProtrusionsExtrParParameters of the ProtrusionsExtr algorithm
PspmImplements the Pspm algorithm
PspmOptionsOptions of Pspm
MipTasks::PursuingTask for pursuing
MipTasks::PursuingCommTask for pursuing
MipTasks::PursuingOptionsOptions for for the scan matching task
MipTasks::PursuingSharedMemShared memory for the Pursuing task
QtSchedulerNot used. This is a test to try scheduling with Qt timing
QtThreadSchedExecutes the scheduler in a separated thread
MipResources::Quad3DQuadcopter in 3D
RandomFrontierBasedVPPAlgorithm finding next View Point (VP) in random frontier based way
MipResources::RangeSensAbstract Range-sensor
MipResources::RangeSensmmParParameters of an Abstract Range-sensor
MipResources::RangeSensOptionsOptions for for the generic range sensor
MipResources::RangeSensParParameters of an Abstract Range-sensor
MipBaselib::RayRepresents the triple (reading,bearing,valid) of a ray of a range scan
MipBaselib::RaymmTriple (reading,bearing,valid) of a ray of a range scan
RaymmsVector of Raymm
RaysA vector of Ray
MipAlgorithms::RelPaFilParamsRepresents the RelParticle Filter parameters
MipAlgorithms::RelPaFilVariablesRepresents RelParticle Filter internal variables
MipAlgorithms::RelParticleClass represents a particle of the Relative Mutual localization particle filter
MipAlgorithms::RelParticleFilterRelParticle Filter implementation of the MutLocFilter class
MipResources::RemoteDeviceProvides an interface for bidirectional connection with a remote device
MipResources::RemoteDeviceOptionsOptions for for the a remote device
MipResources::RemoteKheperaProvides an interface for and IP connection with a remote mobile robot task
MipResources::RemoteKheperaOptionsOptions for the mobile robot khepera
MipResources::RemoteKheperaParSpecific parameters of RemoteKhepera
MipResources::RemoteKheperaVarSpecific variables of RemoteKhepera
MipResources::RemoteMotionModuleRepresents a motion module on a remote device
MipResources::RemoteMotionModuleParRepresents the parameters of a remote motion module
MipResources::RemoteMotionModuleVarRepresents the variables of a remote motion module
MipResources::RemoteRangeSensRepresents a range sensor on a remote device
MipResources::RemoteRangeSensParRepresents the parameters of a remote range sensor
MipResources::RemoteRobProvides an interface for and IP connection with a remote mobile robot task
MipResources::RemoteRobParSpecific parameters of RemoteRob
MipTasks::RemoteRobSharedMemShared memory for the RemoteRob
MipTasks::RemoteRobTaskTask for the mutual localization
MipResources::RemoteRobVarSpecific variables of RemoteRob
RemotRobTaskOptionsTask for the remote robot task
MipResources::ResourceAbstract Resource class
ResourcePointersVector of Resource pointers
ResourcePPointersVector of Resource pointers to pointers
ResourceUtilitiesUtility functions for Tasks
MipResources::ResourceUtilitiesUtility functions for Resources
MipAlgorithms::RootEKFvarsClass for representing EKF variables
MipBaselib::ROSiFace< msg_type, msg_type_ptr >A simple class to handle Publisher and Subscriber on a topic
MipResources::ROSNodeThis resource represents a ROS node and handles all the topics
MipResources::ROSNodeOptionsOptions of the ROSNode
MipBaselib::Roto2DArmaThis class represents the generic rotation matrix in 2D
MipBaselib::RouletteAllows the simulation of a weighted/unweighted roulette-like random process
RRTClass implementing a Rapidly-exploring Random Tree
RRTparamsClass containing various parameters for RRT algorithm
RTRClass implementing a rotate travel rotate path planner
S1Represents elements of S1 with variable module
MipBaselib::SampledTrajectoryImplements a sampled trajectory
MipBaselib::SampledTrajParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a trajectory
MipBaselib::ScanRepresents a laser scan
MipTasks::ScanMatchingLocalizes a robot using the scan matching
MipTasks::ScanMatchingOptionsOptions for for the scan matching task
MipTasks::ScanMatchingSharedMemShared memory for the scan matching
MipBaselib::ScanParParameters of an Abstract Range-sensor
SchedulerScheduler Typical use: load a set of resources, load a set of task passing them the resources, schedule the task, unload all
SegmentImplements a segmento path
MipResources::Segment2D2D segment
SegmentParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a segmento path
SenderUDPClient UDP that sends packets to a specific address and on a specific port
Serialization< T >Serialization for common classes
ServerTCPTCP-IP server
MipResources::SharedMemThis class represents a memory block shared by all tasks
MipBaselib::SimTimerTimer class, a timer
SocketTCPGeneric TCP-IP communication class, parent of all other TCP-IP communication classes
SocketUDPGeneric UDP-IP communication class, parent of all other UDP-IP communication classes
MipResources::sonarUavClass to represent all measurements for a UAV, associated with time
SpringDampFormCtrlParParameters for the spring damper formation control algorithms
MipBaselib::SsUtilsThis class provides a fast and reliable way to encrypt/decrypt some data types to/from stringstream objects. Supported types are double, couple of double (for drive and turnrate), Pose, Scan, PosiFeatures, Time
MipBaselib::StillnessImplements a constant speed profile
StringOptionInteger option
StringWidgetString widget
SurfaceSurface class, provide a representation of a road as a sequence of planes each of them containing a reference point
MipTasks::TaskAbstract Task class
TasksPointersVector of abstract Task pointers
TasksPPointersVector of abstract Task pointers to pointers
MipResources::TCRT5000Player/Stage range sensor
MipResources::TCRT5000GroundPlayer/Stage ground sensor
MipResources::TCRT5000GroundParParameters of a Player range sensor
MipResources::TCRT5000ParParameters of a Player range sensor
ThreadStarts a thread in which some work is done, providing start/stop control of the work
MipBaselib::TimeTime class, provide a representation of time in seconds and microseconds
MipBaselib::TimeLawVirtual class for time laws implementation
MipBaselib::TimerTimer class, a timer
TimeStampedPosePose with a lifeTime and a timeStamp
MipBaselib::TimeUtilitiesSome Time utilities gathered in a class
TimeUtilitiesSome Time utilities gathered in a class
MipTasks::TrackerTask for the application of the Dynamic Feedback Linearization (DFL)
MipTasks::TrackerOptionsOptions for the task Tracker
MipTasks::TrackerSharedMemShared memory for the exploration
TrajControlClass implementing control law to track Trajectories
MipBaselib::TrajectoryImplements a sampled trajectory
TrajectoryStateStatus of the trajectory
MipBaselib::TrapezoidalAccImplements a trapezoidal acceleration profile
MipBaselib::TrapezoidalAccParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a trapezoidal acceleration profile
MipBaselib::TrapezoidalDecImplements a trapezoidal deceleration profile
MipBaselib::TrapezoidalDecParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a trapezoidal deceleration profile
MipBaselib::TrapezoidalSpeedImplements a trapezoidal speed profile
MipBaselib::TrapezoidalSpeedParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a trapezoidal speed profile
kybalg::TriangleTriangle class
kybalg::triangleAssObsTriangleAssObs class
MipBaselib::TriangularSpeedImplements a triangular speed profile
MipBaselib::TriangularSpeedParamIncludes the parameters useful to describe a triangular speed profile
MipResources::UavAbstract mobile robot
UavControlOptionsOptions of UavControl
MipTasks::UavHeiConOnboardPerforms height control with inner control loop
MipTasks::UavHeightControlPerforms height control
MipTasks::UavHeightControlOptionsExamples of the use of the Options class for a task
MipResources::UavOptionsOptions for for the mobile robot
MipResources::UavParFundamental params an abstract flying robot
UAVPositioningSystemTaskGeneric UAVPositioningSystem of a task
UAVPositioningSystemTaskOptionsUAVPositioningSystems of the use of the Options class for a task
MipResources::UavVarFundamental vars of an abstract uav
MipBaselib::UDPSharedListenerSingleton class for connectionless communication
UnycicleUnycicle Motion Module (Pure virtual)
Unycicle3DAbstract Unycicle motion model
Unycicle3DParParams of the abstract Unycicle motion model
Unycicle3DVarParams of the abstract Unycicle motion model
UnycicleParGeneral parametes of an unycicle
UnycicleVarGeneral variables of an unycicle
MipResources::URG04LXURG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXCommandRapresents the commands of a URG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXConstRapresents consant parameters of a URG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXInfoSome info about a URG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXmmURG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXmmCommandRapresents the commands of a URG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXmmConstRapresents consant parameters of a URG04LXmm range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXmmInfoSome info about a URG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXmmParParameters of a URG04LX range sensor
MipResources::URG04LXParParameters of a URG04LX range sensor
MipBaselib::Velocity2DArmaRepresents velocity vector in R^2 using armadillo libraries
Velocity3DRepresents velocity vector in R^3
MipBaselib::Velocity3DArmaRepresents velocity vector in R^3 using armadillo libraries
MipResources::velocityUavClass to represent the velocity of an UAV in a 3D environment, associated with time
VelVecVector of velocities
VFH_AlgorithmVFH+ algorithm taken from Player drivers
MipAlgorithms::VisTrackCamshiftClass for visual tracking based on camshift algorithm
MipTasks::VisualHoveringVisual hovering task for Uavs
MipAlgorithms::VisualReferenceMantains parameters for reference object
MipAlgorithms::VisualTrackCamshiftVarVariables class for Visual tracking algorithms
MipAlgorithms::VisualTrackingAbstract class for visual tracking algorithms
MipAlgorithms::VisualTrackParParameters class for Visual tracking algorithms
MipAlgorithms::VisualTrackVarVariables class for Visual tracking algorithms
MipAlgorithms::VisualTrackVispVarVariables class for Visual tracking algorithms
VoronoiCalculate voronoi diagram of a point-set and some geometric centers based on the voronoi regions
VoronoiEdgeSectorManages angle sectors relative to voronoi faces
VPPlannerVirtual algorithm finding next View Point (VP)
MipResources::WebotsDiffDriveRepresents a Webots differential drive
MipResources::WebotsDiffDriveParRepresents the parameters of a WebotsDiffDrive
MipResources::WebotsDiffDriveVarRepresents the variables of a WebotsDiffDrive
MipResources::WebotsKoremotRepresents a Webots Khepera differential drive
MipResources::WebotsKoremotParRepresents the parameters of a WebotsDiffDrive
WrapperServer UDP that listens on a port waiting for messages and resend messages to other server UDP
MipResources::YellowPageSingle communication IP channel data
MipResources::YellowPagesVector of YellowPage

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