
Classes derived from the Task class. More...


 AntiSimmetry Task
 Provides a task for the execution of an anti simmetry control law for a MultiRobot system.
 Clearing task. This task implements a decentralized cooperative clearing behaviour.
 Drives a uav by means of the keyboard.
 Deploys a team of robots in the environment.
 Drives the robot toward a goal.
 Emergency lock
 Emergency Lock Task.
 Example Task
 Example task.
 FeatExtrCam Task.
 Feature extraction
 Feature Extraction Task.
 Formation Control
 Formation control task.
 Formation Update
 task for formation update without mutual localization..
 Joystick Task.
 Keyboard hit manager
 KbHit Task.
 Laser Navigation Task
 Laser Navigation Task.
 Line Following
 Line Following Task.
 Self Localization 3D
 Localization3D Task.
 Mutual localization
 Mutual localization task. This task produces an estimate of the fixed frames of other robots.
 ObstacleAvoidance Task.
 Offliner Task
 Task for offline execution of all other tasks.
 Particle filter for Mutual localization
 Mutual localization task using particle filters. This task produces an estimate of the fixed frames of other robots.
 Particle filter for Mutual localization without Multireg (direct filtering)
 Mutual localization task using particle filters. This task produces an estimate of the fixed frames of other robots.
 PHDFilter Task
 PHDFilter task.
 Pursuing Task.
 Remote robot
 Remote robot Task.
 Scan Matching
 Localizes a robot using the scan matching.
 Tracker Task.
 Uav Controllers
 Height control task.
 UAV Positioning System
 Task for UAV Positioning System.
 VisualHovering Task.

Detailed Description

Classes derived from the Task class.

Classes derived from the Task class which actually perform the robot activities that must be execute in parallel, glueing algorithms and resources. Example of activities are: tracking, deployment, target navigation, mutual localization, entrapment, exploration,... Each task is a finite state machine that uses the algorithms and the resources to gain its objective. A task can benefit of outputs or provide inputs from/to other concurrent scheduled tasks. The inter-task data exchange pass through the resources, for this reason the resources are also a shared memory for tasks.

Generated on Mon Feb 20 07:01:09 2017 for MIP by  doxygen 1.5.6