Particle Filter Mutual Localization

Stefano Maria Pelliccioni and Francesco Settembre


Command 'l' starts the laser scan.
Command 'm' starts the mutual localization process.
The output of the mutual localization is drawn in a draWin if selected. The whole set of estimates of the pose of each robot, derived from the filter particles, is drawn. The best available estimate for the pose of each robot is highlighted. Additionally, the last feature extraction result of the robot that executes the mutual localization is shown in the draWin and printed in a fifo terminal with the numerical results of the mutual localization filter.

It is possible to drive manually the robots using the joystick keys. Otherwise, typing the key 'n', an autonomous navigation algorithm starts, based on laser scan computation.

Mutual Localization on Player

Run in a shell
$ cd MIP_HOME/bin
$ ./
Select the mutLoc/mtlPaFilPlayer.txt file, then choose the player world ( -> squares -> mutloc for mutual localization specific worlds), the robot(s) you want to use and, in case, the draWin. The draWin selected robots also open a fifo terminal with the numeric output of the mutual localization process.

To start the mutual localization type 'l' in each opened robot shell to activate the laser of the corresponding robot. Then, type 'm' in the shell of the robot you want to execute the mutual localization algorithm.

Generated on Mon Feb 20 07:01:08 2017 for MIP by  doxygen 1.5.6