Model { Name "mms_sim" Version 2.20 SimParamPage Solver SampleTimeColors off InvariantConstants off WideVectorLines on ShowLineWidths off StartTime "0.0" StopTime "10" Solver ode45 RelTol "1e-4" AbsTol "1e-4" Refine "1" MaxStep "0.05" InitialStep "auto" FixedStep "auto" MaxOrder 5 OutputOption RefineOutputTimes OutputTimes "[]" LoadExternalInput off ExternalInput "[t, u]" SaveTime off TimeSaveName "tout" SaveState off StateSaveName "xout" SaveOutput off OutputSaveName "yout" LoadInitialState off InitialState "xInitial" SaveFinalState off FinalStateName "xFinal" LimitMaxRows off MaxRows "1000" Decimation "1" AlgebraicLoopMsg warning MinStepSizeMsg warning UnconnectedInputMsg warning UnconnectedOutputMsg warning UnconnectedLineMsg warning ConsistencyChecking off ZeroCross on SimulationMode normal RTWSystemTargetFile "grt.tlc" RTWInlineParameters off RTWPlaceOutputsASAP off RTWRetainRTWFile off RTWTemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf" RTWMakeCommand "make_rtw" RTWGenerateCodeOnly off ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm" ExtModeBatchMode off BlockDefaults { Orientation right ForegroundColor black BackgroundColor white DropShadow off NamePlacement normal FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight normal FontAngle normal ShowName on } AnnotationDefaults { HorizontalAlignment center VerticalAlignment middle ForegroundColor black BackgroundColor white DropShadow off FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 10 FontWeight normal FontAngle normal } LineDefaults { FontName "Helvetica" FontSize 9 FontWeight normal FontAngle normal } System { Name "mms_sim" Location [543, 302, 1043, 602] Open on ToolBar on StatusBar on ScreenColor white PaperOrientation landscape PaperPositionMode auto PaperType usletter PaperUnits inches Block { BlockType Clock Name "Clock" Position [50, 155, 70, 175] FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 Location [30, 40, 153, 161] } Block { BlockType Step Name "Ingresso" Position [50, 70, 70, 90] FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 Time "1" Before "0" After "1" } Block { BlockType StateSpace Name "MMS" Position [210, 59, 285, 101] FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 A "A" B "B" C "C" D "0" X0 "x0" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace" Position [385, 202, 435, 218] ShowName off FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 VariableName "yout" Buffer "100000" Decimation "1" SampleTime "0" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace1" Position [125, 157, 175, 173] ShowName off FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 VariableName "t" Buffer "100000" Decimation "1" SampleTime "0" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "evol.lib g=0\nevol.for g=1" Position [140, 67, 165, 93] FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 Gain "g" } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "posizione relativa carrello\n(uscita)" Ports [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] Position [395, 60, 425, 100] FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 ShowPortLabels off MaskType "Storage scope." MaskDescription "Storage scope using MATLAB graph window.\nEnter" " plotting ranges and line type." MaskHelp "This block uses a MATLAB figure window to plot " "the input signal. The graph limits are automatically scaled to the min and m" "ax values of the signal stored in the scope's signal buffer. Line type must " "be in quotes. See the M-file sfunyst.m." MaskPromptString "Initial Time Range:|Initial y-min:|Initial y-ma" "x:|Storage pts.:|Line type (rgbw-.:xo):" MaskStyleString "edit,edit,edit,edit,edit" MaskTunableValueString "on,on,on,on,on" MaskInitialization "npts = @4; color = @5; ax = [0, @1, @2, @3]; dt" "=-1;" MaskDisplay "plot(0,0,100,100,[83,76,63,52,42,38,28,16,11,84" ",11,11,11,90,90,11],[75,58,47,54,72,80,84,74,65,65,65,90,40,40,90,90])" MaskIconFrame on MaskIconOpaque on MaskIconRotate none MaskIconUnits autoscale MaskValueString "10|0|0.1|200000|'b-/g--/c-./w:/m*/ro/b+'" System { Name "posizione relativa carrello\n(uscita)" Location [0, 59, 274, 252] Open off ToolBar off StatusBar off ScreenColor white PaperOrientation landscape PaperPositionMode auto PaperType usletter PaperUnits inches Block { BlockType Inport Name "x" Position [65, 55, 85, 75] Port "1" PortWidth "-1" SampleTime "-1" } Block { BlockType "S-Function" Name "S-function\nM-file which plots\nlines\n" Ports [1, 0, 0, 0, 0] Position [130, 55, 180, 75] CopyFcn "sfunyst([],[],[],'CopyBlock')" DeleteFcn "sfunyst([],[],[],'DeleteBlock')" LoadFcn "sfunyst([],[],[],'LoadBlock')" FunctionName "sfunyst" Parameters "ax, color, npts, dt" PortCounts "[]" SFunctionModules "''" } Line { SrcBlock "x" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "S-function\nM-file which plots\nlines\n" DstPort 1 } } } Line { SrcBlock "evol.lib g=0\nevol.for g=1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "MMS" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "MMS" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { DstBlock "posizione relativa carrello\n(uscita)" DstPort 1 } Branch { Points [5, 0; 0, 130] DstBlock "To Workspace" DstPort 1 } } Line { SrcBlock "Clock" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "To Workspace1" DstPort 1 } Line { SrcBlock "Ingresso" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "evol.lib g=0\nevol.for g=1" DstPort 1 } Annotation { Position [247, 257] VerticalAlignment top Text "Massa-Molla-Smorzatore\n(richiamato da mmsevol." "m)" FontName "Arial" FontSize 12 } } }