Modal logics

propositional logic
statements that can be true or false
modal logic
statements on sets of different scenarios

Propositional vs. modal: example

x = statement represented by x is true (now, in the current situation)
□x = the statement x is true in a set of different scenarios

what a "scenario" is depends on the application:

  • x is true in all situations considered possible
  • x is true now and in all future time points
  • x ought to be true
  • x is true after the execution of a program
    (is true in all states that may result from executing the program)

Propositional vs. modal: difference

statements refer to a single, specific case
several different possibilities are considered
statements may refer to one, but also to a number of them

Modal logics: syntax

recursively defined from:

the modal operators and are applied to a single formula,
which may contain ¬, and but also other and


usual recursive definition of syntax
(variable is a formula, if A and B are two formulae then A ∧ B is a formula, etc.)


unary operators ¬, and have the same precedence

they take precedence over the binary connectives and

therefore, □x ∨ y is:


is complementary to

means that x is true in all considered situations
means that x is true in at least one of the considered situations

depending on the application, ◇x therefore may mean:

it holds ◇F=¬□¬F


□F means that formula F is true in various situations

cannot be evaluated with a single interpretation
(an interpretation represents one situation)

evaluating a formula requires not just an interpretation, but a set of interpretations

semantics is complicated
varies with the application

Two modal logics

(others exist)

evaluating a formula requires:

truth in a set of scenarios
□F means that F is true in all scenarios considered possible
required to evaluate a formula: a set of propositional interpretations
(describing the possible scenarios)
truth in the future
□F means that F is true now and forever
required to evaluate a formula: a sequence of interpretations
(describing the state at each time point)

Semantics: generalization

in both cases:

in order to evaluate a modal formula, a set of interpretations is required

they differ because:

interpretations are given as a set (S5), or as a sequence (TL)

Kripke model: a generalization including both, but also many other ones

Kripke model

What is a "world", exactly?

the set of possible worlds is a set of elements

is not a set of propositional interpretations

why not?

Couldn't this be simplified?

worlds are just elements of a set…

… but then a propositional interpretation is associated to each world

why not defining a model to be: a set of interpretation plus their links?

Different worlds, same interpretation

for S5, the simplified definition would work:
no point in having two worlds with the same interpretation

in TL, it does not:
two different time points may have the same interpretation
(example on the next slide)

Different worlds, same interpretation in TL

two different time points may have the same interpretation

example: the sequence of states:

ab, ¬ab, a¬b, ab, ab, ab, …     (ab forever)

interpretation ab recurs in different time points (worlds)

□a is false in the first state, but true in the fourth

state one and state four have the same interpretation,
a modal formula evaluates differently on them

Kripke model, formal definition


what is the relation?

how is it used?

Accessibility relation

intuition: □F means that F is true in a set of worlds

both cases can be encoded using the right accessibility relation

the point: the relation tells the worlds to look when evaluating □F (cont.)


formulae are evaluated in a model and one of its worlds

x is true in ⟨R,S,V⟩,s
if x is true in the propositional interpretation V(s)
F∧G is true in ⟨R,S,V⟩,s
if both F and G are true in ⟨R,S,V⟩,s
(same for ∨ and ¬)
□F true in ⟨R,S,V⟩,s
if F is true in ⟨R,S,V⟩,s'
for all s' ∈ S such that ⟨s,s'⟩ ∈ R

notation: ⟨R,S,V⟩,s ⊧ F

(diamond: later)

Evaluation, in words

formulae are evaluated recursively in the same state except for boxed formulae

for boxed formulae, evaluate subformula in all linked states

in all worlds linked from s formula F is true ⇒ □F is true in s

Evaluation, example

truth in s:

Evaluation, example

truth in s':

Truth in a model

a formula is true in a model if it is true in all states of the model

formally: ⟨R,S,V⟩ ⊧ F if ⟨R,S,V⟩,s ⊧ F for all worlds s∈S


◇F is true in s if F is true in a world s' such that ⟨s,s'⟩∈R

F is true in one world reachable from s   ⇒   ◇F is true in s

one world is enough!

Models and applications

not all models are right for all kinds of applications:

only models where R=S×S
each model linked to each other
R forms a "row" of states (+transitivity)

Assumptions on models and truth

the same formula may be true in all models of a logic but not of another

example: ◇F → □◇F

Formula in S5

◇F → □◇F always true: proof

(for simplicity, we use lines in place of arrows;
can be done because the relation is symmetric)

(loops omitted)

◇F is true in a world s

there exists s' where F is true

Formula in S5 (2)

for every other s'',
it holds ⟨s'',s'⟩∈R

◇F is true in all worlds

Formula in S5 (3)

◇F is true in all words;
as a result, □◇F is true as well
(whichever world we choose, ◇F is true in all linked ones)

Formula in TL

◇F → □◇F false in TL: proof


loops and arcs that follow from transitivity omitted
(shown only when necessary)

Formula in TL (2)

F is true in the third state
reachable from initial state

◇F true in the initial state

Formula in TL (3)

F false from fourth state on

◇F false in the fourth state

Formula in TL (4)

◇F false in the fourth state
reachable from the initial state

□◇F false in the initial state

conclusion: ◇F → □◇F false

Formulae and logics

◇F → □◇F is:

validity depends on the assumptions on the relation R
(which vary with the logic: S5 or TL, in the example)

Conditions on relations

for simplicity, ⟨s,t⟩ ∈ R is denoted as sRt

the accessibility relation may be:

some formulae are true in all models only if some assumptions hold

Reflexivity and truth

some formulae are always true only if the relation is reflexive



Truth and assumptions on R


some formulae are always true only if the relation satisfies certain conditions

Truth in a modal logic

every modal logic (S5, TL, …) is specified by the assumptions on the accessibility relation

a formula is true in a logic if it is true in all models whose relation satisfies the corresponding assumptions (e.g., reflexivity, transitivity, …) of that logic

K is the modal logic with no assumption on the relation


formula F is satisfiable if there exist ⟨R,S,V⟩ and s such that ⟨R,S,V⟩,s ⊧ F


by the second point, satisfiability depends on the considered modal logic