something more about heuristics

two other heuristics (just the idea)

a technical note about merge and shrink

content-enhanced heuristics

every action that affects x has some precondition x=value

the additive heuristics implicitely assume that variables can be changed independently

but obtaining x=value may change y and z

first obtain x=value
then evaluate the cost of obtaining the other preconditions in that state

network flow heuristics

every action that affects x has some precondition x=value

if x≠v in current state
but x=v in goal
then: actions x≠v⇒x=v are executed one time more than actions x=v⇒x≠v

similar in the opposite case or when x=v is in both state and goal

variable = how many times an action is executed:
make a system of integer equations and disequations
minimize number of times actions are executed
solve (approximately: not integer) as linear programming

merge and shrink: technically


combine two abstract search spaces A and B

how: two states are together in C
only if they are together in A and are also together in B

done without looking at the original states

This is what happens when merging arbitrary abstractions: two states are in a group in the output abstraction only if they are all in the same group in all input abstractions.