pattern database

simplify the problem by removing some variables

variable removal

given: planning problem and state
(not necessarily the initial state!)

aim: estimate distance to the goal from the state
use: guide the search (A*, greedy best-first search,…)



a: x ⇒ y,z
b: y ⇒ -z
c: x,y,-z ⇒ w
goal: w,z
calculate h(x-y-z-w)

optimal plan from state: a,b,c,a (lenght 4)
perfect heuristics is h(x-y-z-w) = 4

keep only z and w

a: x ⇒ y,z
b: y ⇒ -z
c: x,y,-z ⇒ w
goal: w,z
a: ⇒ z
b: ⇒ -z
c: -z ⇒ w
goal: w,z

remove x and y

state x-y-z-w becomes -z-w

optimal plan from state: c,a (lenght 2)
heuristics hzw(x-y-z-w)=2

Actions a and b have no precondition after removal. They can be executed in every state.

keep only x and w

a: x ⇒ y,z
b: y ⇒ -z
c: x,y,-z ⇒ w
goal: w,z
a: x ⇒
b: ⇒
c: x ⇒ w
goal: w

remove y and z

state x-y-z-w becomes x-w

optimal plan from state: c (length 1)
heuristics hxw(x-y-z-w)=1

Actions a and b end up with no effects after removal of variables. They are irrelevant to planning, so they could be deleted altogether. They still are of interest for the theoretical analysis.


  1. variables removed ⇒ shorter plans
    (4 becomes 2 or 1)
  2. optimal plan length depends on which variables are deleted
    (2 or 1 depending on which variables are deleted)
is observation 1 true in general?

plan length

a plan for the original instance is also a plan after deletion: deletion may introduce new plans (examples above)

what is this used for?

A*, greedy best-first search, etc. need an heuristics h(s)


h(s) = length of shortest plan from s to the goal after deleting variables

after deletion, compute shortest plan for all states
in the example: a plan for -z-w, a plan for -zw, a plan for z-w and a plan for zw
only four plans, not sixteen

why "pattern database"?

why this name?

originates from the 15-puzzle

[tiles-03.fig] [bigarrow.fig] [tiles-02.fig]
[tiles-04.fig] [tiles-05.fig]

fix some tiles, for example 1,2,3,4,5,9,13
each disposition of these and the empty square is a pattern
for each pattern, store the minimal number of moves to get the tiles in position

database of minimal plan lengths for each pattern

erasing some tiles ⇒ delete some variables

search space

a: x ⇒ y,z
b: y ⇒ -z
c: x,y,-z ⇒ w
goal: w,z
restricting to some variables simplifies the problem

obvious when looking at the search spaces



original problem

search space, no actions

action a


original problem

states and action a: x ⇒ y,z

action b


original problem

states and actions a and b: y ⇒ -z

action c


original problem

states and all three actions, including c: x,y,-z ⇒ w

search space: only z and w


two variables ⇒ four states

example: executing a in -zw leads to itself

search space: only x and w


smaller is better?

more variables removed:

grouping states

deleting variables affects the search space

for example, the four states in the original instance:

when deleting xy, all become:

grouping states, in the search space


every column of four states form a group

every group is a state of the simplified problem


abstraction heuristics

group sets of states

grouping by ignoring some variables ⇒ pattern database

other methods exist