
some examples from a recent conference
(application track at ICAPS 2016): real-world problems
technically complex solutions
For example, the floats can only go up and down but can be moved by the ocean currents. A probabilistic model tells how the currents change depending on the depth, so they can be used to move the floats back to their target positions. At the same time, the floats have to collect data at various depths, where the currents may move them away.
float = galleggiante


this course: planners and propositional satisfiability
(but not integer programming, etc.)

very basic example

escaping a maze


current position
get out of the maze
allowed moves

so simple?

almost never
(see examples from ICAPS 2016)

what makes it simple?


state = position in the maze
the set of possible states is small
the whole set can be stored in memory and analyzed

simple domain = simple explanation of issues and algorithms

Some issues that may arise in planning also concern cases simple like this, and some algorithms apply to them. While such simple cases are not of much interest in practice, they are commonly used for teaching purposes, since explanations are simpler on simple examples than on complex ones.

more realistic example

deliver parcels

n trucks, m parcels, i warehouses, j routes

every truck can be in a warewouse or on a route
total possibilities: n×(i+j)

every parcel can be in warehouse or on a truck
total possibilities: mx(n+i)

number of states = n×(i+j)×mx(n+i)

too many to explicitely represent the set of all states

The formulation of the problem is large in spite of being simplified by disregarding the truck capacity and speed, the length of the routes, etc.
truck = camion
parcel = pacco
warehouse = magazzino
route = tratta

historical example

the blocks world

some blocks on a table
can move one at time, if none else over it

build some given stacks of them
example: B over C and A over B


toy problem
inspired from an early natural language AI system

common in examples, explanations, etc.

the Sussman anomaly

goals cannot be achieved one at time (in general):

goal: B over C and A over B

achieving the first blocks the second:


now B is over C
but has to be moved away to achieve A over B

how complicated planning can be?

actions with durations, temporal constraints
actions take a certain time to complete
nondeterminist effects
the result of some actions may not be certain
probabilistic effects
same, but the probability of the effects is known
partial observability
not everything is visible
action costs
minimize the cost of actions to reach the goal
multiple goals
reach the best one(s) with a fixed maximal cost
concurrent actions
partial-order (causal-link) planning
action hierarchies
some actions are made of sub-actions