geometric A*


the problem: go from start to end

region of the plane

minimal path



actual minimal path hard to find


approximation: grid

only moving on the grid + diagonals


occluded areas on the grid

forbidden: diagonals inside a black box
horizontal or vertical line surronded by two black boxes


real optimal paths may become impossible as is

meaning: with the grid simplifications some optimal paths become impossible
the simplification actually may make paths longer


an optimal path in the grid

feasible also in the original problem
but not optimal


finding optimal paths: use A*

a state for each point in the grid
allowed moves


allowed moves

is a restriction

path not really optimal

suboptimality: increasing resolution attenuates the first
not the second
[straight-02.fig] vs. [straight-03.fig]
optimal path vs. optimal in the grid

resolution irrelevant


every path in the grid is the same as: increasing resolution is irrelevant
path sub-optimal: really a problem?

vehicles: large number of turns

npc: innatural movements (drunken-like)

some solutions:

visibility graph


simple problem

visibility graph: no grid


consider only the occluded areas

visibility graph: allowed moves


link every corner to every other
also: start and end

visibility graph: minimal path


path in this new grid is optimal

but: many links
on the grid: only from each state to neighbors



first find optimal path in the grid
then smooth it


optimal path in the grid


third is visible from one: skip second


fourth is not visible from one: do not skip third
repeat from third node


fifth node visible from third
skip fourth



post-smoothing algorithm:

fix path by skipping nodes if successors are in line of sight of predecessor

field D*


the grid


A* on grid: allow only moves on the grid

not only!

also: d(m) = min d(n) + n→m only for nodes n,n',… on the grid

A* allows only moves on the grid, but the grid matters not only to this. When determining the distance of a node from the start, only the precedecessors on the grid are considered; this is the second aspect of the algorithm affected by the grid.

In the figure, m is a node for which field A* is about to calculate the distance d(m). Only nodes on the grid like n,n',… are considered as predecessors of m. Therefore, d(m) is calulated using them only.


field D*: when reconstructing the optimal path:
move from m to optimal n''
even if not on the grid
Field D* only includes nodes on the grid in the search. Intermediate nodes like n'' are only taken into account when calculating the values of d().

When the search is over and Field D* has to actually build the optimal plan, an out-of-grid move like n''→m is allowed, and is done if n'' is the best precedecessor of m.


incorporates smoothing into searching

allowed moves


A* considers only moves like n→m
n and m neightbors in the grid



theta* checks whether n has a predecessor n'
with a line-of-sight to m

n' becomes a new predecessor of m

matters to?…

shortcut = short distance


theta* checks whether n has a predecessor n'
with a line-of-sight to m

n' becomes a new predecessor of m

matters on:

Precisely, theta* stores the best precedecessor of each node n, and only checks the line-of-sight from it to m. The new allowed move n'→m is not really added as an allowed move, only n' stored as the new best predecessor of m if start⇒n'→m is currently the shortest path to m.