Corso di laurea in Ingegneria gestionale
Facoltà di Ingegneria dell'informazione, informatica e statistica
Sapienza Università di Roma

Data management

a.a. 2013/2014

prof. Riccardo Rosati


Contents (6 CFU)

The course aims at presenting database management systems (DBMS), focusing on the following aspects: transaction management, recovery management, physical organization of data storage, query evaluation.


  1. Architecture of a DBMS
  2. Transaction management
  3. Failure management
  4. Physical design
  5. Query evaluation


Lectures were given in the second semester (February 2014 - May 2014).

Lecture material

Texts of past exams:

Exam dates

Past editions of this course

Web site of the 2012/2013 edition of the course