Pubblicazioni di Rigoni Giulio


Betti Sorbelli Francesco, Corò Federico, Palazzetti Lorenzo, Pinotti Cristina M., Rigoni Giulio
How the Wind Can Be Leveraged for Saving Energy in a Truck-Drone Delivery System. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 2023: -

Alsoliman Anas, Rigoni G., Callegaro Davide, Levorato Marco, Pinotti Cristina M., Conti Mauro
Betti Sorbelli Francesco, Pinotti Cristina M., Rigoni Giulio
On the Evaluation of a Drone-Based Delivery System on a Mixed Euclidean-Manhattan Grid. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS 2023: -


Rigoni Giulio, Pinotti Cristina M., Bhumika , Das Debasis, Das: Sajal K.
Delivery with UAVs: a simulated dataset via ATS. IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference 2022-June 2022: 1-6


Betti Sorbelli F., Das S. K., Pinotti C. M., Rigoni G.
Palazzetti Lorenzo, Pinotti Cristina M., Rigoni Giulio
A run in the wind: favorable winds make the difference in drone delivery. 2021 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS) 2021: 109-116

Palazzetti Lorenzo, Pinotti C. M., Rigoni G.
A run in the wind: Favorable winds make the difference in drone delivery. Proceedings - 17th Annual International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, DCOS 2021 2021: 109-116

Alsoliman Anas, Rigoni Giulio, Levorato Marco, Pinotti Cristina M., Ole Tippenhauer Nils, Conti Mauro
COTS Drone Detection using Video Streaming Characteristics. 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking 2021: 166-175

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