DraWinObj.h File Reference

#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <baselib.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  MipResources


class  MipResources::DraWinBoundBox
 DraWin bounding box, represents 2D margins of the drawing scene. More...
class  MipResources::ColorComponent
 A color component. More...
class  MipResources::Color
 A color in rgb. More...
class  MipResources::Colors
 Some predefined colors. More...
class  MipResources::DraWinObj
class  MipResources::CmdDraWinObj
class  MipResources::FigDraWinObj
class  MipResources::Point2D
 Drawable point. More...
class  MipResources::Points2D
 List of drawable points. More...
class  MipResources::Polygon2D
 2D poligon. More...
class  MipResources::Segment2D
 2D segment. More...
class  MipResources::Disk2D
 2D anulus. More...
class  MipResources::MobileRob2D
 2D MobileRob More...
class  MipResources::Khepera2D
 2D MobileRob More...
class  MipResources::Quad3D
 Quadcopter in 3D. More...
class  MipResources::Parallelepiped3D
class  MipResources::HLine2D
 2D Half line More...
class  MipResources::CmdBB2D
 Bounding box command, set the bounding box of a draw scene. More...
class  MipResources::CovEllipse2D
 2D Cavariance ellipse defined by a 2x2 covariance matrix. More...


typedef vector< DraWinObj * > MipResources::DraWinList
 Vector of drawable objects.
typedef vector< DraWinList > MipResources::DraWinLists
 Vector of lists.


enum  MipResources::DraWinObjPlate {
  MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_NULL, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_POINT_2D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_POINTS_2D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_POLYGON_2D,
  MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_SEG_2D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_DISK_2D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_MOBROB_2D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_KHEPERA_2D,
  MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_QUAD_3D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_PAR_3D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_HLINE_2D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_CMD_BB_2D,
  MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_COV_ELLIPSE_2D, MipResources::DRA_WIN_OBJ_NUM
 DraWinObj plates. More...


static const char * MipResources::draWinObjNames [DRA_WIN_OBJ_NUM]
 DraWinObj names.

Generated on Mon Feb 20 07:01:08 2017 for MIP by  doxygen 1.5.6